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hi, i’m jenni from the london bike kitchen and i’m at oakley in residence, the workshop, at exmouth market. today i’m going to be showing you how to change your brake pads. the way you can tell that you need to replace your brake pad is if these teeth here, on the side of your brake, have disappeared. if it becomes flat, you definitely need to get your brake pads changed. they are not going to last forever. the first thing you need to do is undo the quick release, and the next step is take an allen key and unscrew the bolt. take your new pad and place it inside the brake calliper. you’ve got the washer here and the bolt. once you’ve got the brake pad in place, tighten up the bolt by hand and then at this point, you want to make sure that the pad is in the correct spot.

so it’s not too far up and touching your tyre and not too far down coming off the rim. tighten that up.

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car hire exmouth,you do the final tighten with the short end of your allen key and hold the brake pad in place because it will want to twist. do a final check by squeezing the brake calliper and making sure it’s not touching your tyre. and then remember to put your quick release back into place. and that’s it! you’ve changed your brake pad!

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travel insurance explained the best thing is probably... there's no school! all i really is my ipod and a teddy bear so, you've booked your flights? you got your passport? you brought your travel insurance, right?

i went through it in detail, when i first took out the insurance but have i read it since? no, not at all. the policy and the excess covered all of us. it could be â£100 but i'm not 100% sure normally, about 100/ 150 pounds and for a family, that can be really costly, so do check before you buy. if we lost an ipad or an iphone i suppose we would have to call up a telephone number? i'd really want it replaced, if they could, within 24 hours. more than a quarter of us expect unattended items to be covered and there not... you've got to remember to keep an eye on your belongings things of course,

just like at home, best not leave that wallet or cool mobile on the beach while you go for a swim. we're going to cyprus in the summer holiday. we're going to ibiza. can we still get one? can we still get a... i don't know... ehic card? the ehic card is free and still definitely a must for those of us travelling in the european union this summer. i do take the phone number of the insurer and the policy booklet, i'll print it out and take it with me. fortunately, i know what to do, it's ok.

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but what if something happens to you? none of us want to imagine the worst, but that is the point of travel insurance. so, were protected if the worst did happen. for more advice and tips, visit from the tifgroup and be sure to get the cover to fit your circumstances.

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the opcf-27 i just like saying that because it's avery complicated sounding endorsement! if you rent cars or very often go on vacationsuse them for work, you know rental car companies chargequite a bit of money for daily use for insurance if you have no opcf-27 on your policy you can apply your limits in yourcoverage to the cost of the rental. so, rather than paying twenty dollars aday, you can have your own policy applicable to that

one thing to note, when you are renting acar, your policy usually comes with a limit up to fifty thousand dollars. if you're renting vehicles over andabove that, or heavier vehicles like if you're renting a truck, to actually move your furniture or aheavy equipment, you need to purchase an

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car hire excess insurance reviews,additional endorsement. most auto policies will cover up to asmall amount of weight, in up to fifty thousand dollar limit. soany questions please get in contact with us.

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renting a car is pretty straightforwardright well not always when it comes to insurance andprotection it's downright confusing because it'shard to know if it's worth buying take this woman for example whose car isin for service so naturally she gets a rental but whathorror when she learns that her personal insurance doesn't cover rentals or what about this guy who rented acar to impress his date but his credit card only covered parteddamage so now he's stuck with a big bill massivepaperwork

and no second date for this man whorented a big ol suv for his family vacation and even bought special rental car coveragethrough someone else suggested he said but then he found outthere all sorts of restrictions like suv'sdon't count accidents happen and you just want tomake sure that damages to your rent or covered which is exactly why hertz offers anoptional loss damage waiver which i like to call protect the carand it's awesome

it covers any hertz vehicle and keeps you worry free now i know what you're thinking no youcan't just destroy a rental for fun it

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car hire europe,doesn't count if you don't treat the car like you say you willthe moral of this story protect your rear end and your car with hertz protect the car

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godrive our world is rapidly becoming more urban and as more of us live in cities we need new ways to get around. take london ... it's already a mega city and is expected to grow from8 to 12 million people by 2020. for some owning a car in acity like london doesn't make sense but they still want access to a car.

like for picking up the shopping or or exploring parts of thecity that are harder to get to. enter "godrive" described as "boris bikes for cars" godrive arrived in london last year on a mission to give easy access to cars when needed. since then godrive hubshave multiplied across the city. from richmond in the west to leytonstone in the east. godrive is a free to join, on-demands service

that allows drivers to book cars via their smartphone up to 15 minutes in advance. drivers only pay for what they use at 17 pence a minute for everything including congestion charges, fuel and insurance. you pick up a car from one hub and drop it off at another taking the hassle out of finding a parking space

and in the london borough of islington on-street parking is being trialed it's also a great chance to try out an electric car. we're giving drivers the the choice of either focus electric or a fiesta ecoboost.

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car hire euro,we've found that after drivershave given an electric car a try most say they will use one again. godrive is part of ford's smart mobility our plan to keep people moving

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mostly dry overnight and sunshine and warm temperatures. rain chances tomorrow are much lower. the full forecast coming up. the men round of a price relax says a woman trenton and snatched it. tonight she is locked up as he

is speaking out about the night he says edge waking up in a fog. reporter: kelsey how in jail today. this is her and surveillance video with her hair pulled back moments before she is accused of ripping off gary who does not want to use

of last name. she rubbed me. she dropped me and rubbed me. i could have been dead. reporter: he said he's 100% sure it was her who snatched his $47,000 rolex from his wrist and another price watch after he took her home from

hard rock in december. before the drink she said i'm jake in have a drink. so i drank and after that that's all i remember. we see a woman leaving his beach building about half an hour later. the next day gary woke up in a

fog i look at the morning and i remember i saw my watch was gone and i go to my bedroom and my other watch was gone. reporter: she's also in this video running from a home in hollywood on the friend alexandria nicholas.

she was rested a few days ago. investors a they drug the couple guys n'djamena at the courthouse bar and grill in january. in that case they are accused of taking seven watches from two men in their 50s. gary tells us he wants them to

pay. this guilty to be charged.

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car hire essex,to the fourth defensive a lot. reporter: they drug them. the could have killed everybody. reporter: she's being held

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my name is hollie glover, i work for standardlife as a commercial leadership associate. my current role is within the business processmanagement team. my role at the moment involves meeting various colleagues accross the business,pulling together presentations and reports, also going along to various steering groupsand reporting our progress and managing a working group.a number of financial services companies have graduate programmes. typically they'll offeran internship which is something that sudents can do over the summer which can lead intothe full graduate placement. my programme is a two year programme and we do three tofour placements over that two year period within different areas of the business. soi started my work in the group communications

team working with the press team, the publicaffairs team and my currently role in the business process management team.the biggest challenge i've found to date has been leading a working group of people whoi have no authority over but i'm relying on to do work on the project to deliver and meetits objectives. on a day-to-day basis i'm typically basedin edinburgh, we have a couple of sites in edinburgh and obviously we have an officein london and longer term i'm hoping to move to some of our international offices, perhapsin hong-kong. the team that i'm in at the moment are fantastic- every day there's something else to laugh about and i think that's really what makesyour job and standard life in particular - it's

all about the people.typically what's involved in gaining a place on the graduate programme is a number of hurdles,assessment centres, interviews, psychometric testing, telephone interviews...they havea set profile on what they're looking for in graduates but then when we actually allmet we said 'oh right, i thought we'd all be quite similiar but we're not actually.'some of us are quite outspoken, some of us are much more reserved, some of us have travelleda lot, some of us have just stayed at home most of the time. some of us have alreadyworked, some of us havn't, i mean we're all very different but i suppoose there will bea few core attributes.

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car hire enterprise edinburgh,a real misconception that i had starting wasthat there would be a significant jump from

university into the real world of businessand what i found actually is it's the basics that count and it's not been so hard a very quickly are able to transfer the skills that they teach you at university intoa working environment.

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life tends to be more fun with the setof wheels literally one from them you led the effort hospital tickets inhand he bought the plane to board another plane you reach your destination directly towards a current accompaniedby simply following the signs of the airport now through curator saidyourself the headache which means you can skip the line and hit record storescarry chose now the cool thing is you can pick between which making molewithin a scary drive do you feel like driving a jeep dodge the choices are thekeys in the ignition and the car is

ready now gps it is ordered one and head down thehighway

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car hire england,final word of advice remember to choosea college kid your knee and you're driving down the highway american sports car or perhaps citymileage and enjoy the extra legroom the prius here could be a bother enjoy theroad drive safe and remember that all

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a bike-powered cinema is were the power for the projector and the sound is provided by generators, which are powered by bicycles, basically. you get an old electric motor, and rather than putting energy into it and getting it to spin, we reverse it so we spin the motor and get energy out of it. so you have to pedal on the bike that'sgoing to be lifted up using an a-frame, and that's going to rub against the electric motor and generate energy.

and we're going to use that energy to power a projector, and that's going to be our cinema. the project is run by students entirely... there's myself and few other engineers without borders members that meet up weekly and plan the project and help construct it. all the construction goes on in the mechanical lab in sanderson building, in king's buildings, so we get a lot of help from the technicians for the more technical aspects of the project that we can't really do ourselves. our main consultant is ron brown

who works in the school of chemistry at king's buildings, and he was part of the guerrilla cinema project, so he's helped us really plan the project and make sure we're on the right track. if you're just powering your projectorand your sound system via the 230v mains, that's all comingfrom either coal-fired and nuclear power, or usually gas power stations. with the bike power, it's all you,

it's all sustainable. you're using your energy to give the power for the projector and thesound system. so it's a clean way of having some fun. our aim is to act as a platform forstudents to realize their ideas into projects that mainly focus on internationaldevelopment and how sustainable development could bea solution to many of the problems that our society faces today. and propose some engineering solutionsto these kind of problems.

i'm a civil engineering student so i don't really have much to do with electrical engineering or electronics... so this has given methe opportunity to learn a lot more and get a greater insight about electrical engineering. and also about sustainability. really the project is about engagement... so it's trying to get people to engage with issues to do with sustainability and...

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car hire edinburgh cheap,energy generation challenges. so we're going to run fun,engaging workshops or film screenings

and get people to think about how we produce our energy... ... and also how difficult and challenging it can be to produce energy.

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i didn't know a lot about new zealand beforewe came here, other than that people really liked the quality of life here, and, all ican say - i mean it is what i thought it was going to be, it is a beautiful place. i'm jordan, i'm from the united states fromthe state of utah and i'm now living in wellington, new zealand working as a senior game designer. games have always been a part of my life – well,when i was very young i imagined myself creating games but then of course when i went to school,i threw that out that window. i was studying engineering in school, i re-foundmy childhood love of being a game creator. pikpok has been in the business for quitea long time, a lot longer than a lot of game studios,

and right now they're pretty muchexclusively focussing on making mobile games - it's sort of a mix of between play and work,if you can call making games working hard i guess so. we heard about new zealand from some friendswho had lived here on sabbatical and other people that had lived here as well, and theyall raved about it they all loved it, it was on our top list of places to come. my wife is jo, we met at university in utah,and we have two kids lucy is 12 years old and gabriel just turned 11. we were actually quite comfortable in theunited states, we were very happy, but you

know when you're comfortable you're oftennot growing so, i wanted to broaden our family’s world view, i wanted our children to thinkof themselves you know not just as citizens of a single country but as citizens of theworld. i got this offer offer in new zealand andwe told the kids so it was kind of hard for them, but they were also excited …mario: i actually remember when jordan applied originally because there was a little bitof to-ing and fro-ing between two of our different directors, both wanting to hire him - whilewe didn't necessarily know where jordan might fit in we did recognise that this was somebodythat we should pursue, and try to create a role for them within the company that wouldbest suit him.

jordan: for us moving here wasn't just aboutcoming to a new country, it was also we wanted to go through that exercise of downsizing,we wanted to maybe live a little bit smaller, we realised that we didn't need all of thisspace, we didn't need all of this stuff. for example we don't own a car, we haven'tsince we moved here, it's been over a year we just use the bus and we walk a lot, andit's been a big you know lifestyle change for us, but it's been a good one i think. we can walk in any direction and be on a trailwalking through the hills, up to a lot of different great views. we love going over to the park, we live reallyclose to karori park which is a big beautiful

park, the kids love playing in the playground,we like to throw a frisbee around, something

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car hire eastbourne,we did back home a lot. i think if you like stability and comforti wouldn't suggest making the move. we were like i said - we were quite comfortableand happy but, i also like change and i like challenge, and so that's why, you know thatwas the reason we came - to be challenged.

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well what we're doing; the road was planed off yesterday, 50mm taken off, and we're resurfacing and putting a new surface on, and introducing a speed hump half way through the job to slow the traffic down, as a bit of a traffic calming exercise. q. so we're here; it's all around the ouseburn, yes? yes, stepney bank, all this area's getting done for the regeneration. q. why is it

being done? well, it just needed upgrading; the area was getting a bit run down and the roads and paths were all worn, so it's all just getting

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car hire east midlands airport,regenerated. q. so, better for cars, better for pedestrians? yes, pedestrians, for the footpaths, and the speed humps for traffic calming; the three all together are put on this site.

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a group of roma camping by a belgian townfaced a rude awakening on wednesday, after the mayor ordered that they be blasted withmusic to drive them away. the roma had arrived on sunday in landen,about 30 miles east of brussels, and agreed with a landowner to park 14 caravans thereuntil tuesday. but when the group refused to leave, landenmayor gino debroux decided to take action by hiring a dj to try and drive the groupaway - playing out loud rock music at the site. debroux said the grounds where the roma hadparked their 30 caravans was an industrial site and was not designed for camping.

he said the group's refusal to leave had ledhim to hire a dj to play music from wednesday morning, starting at 9am.

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car hire east london,debroux said the music had been limited toa maximum of 95 decibels, equivalent to the sound of a pneumatic drill from 15 metresaway. the music played until shortly after midday.the roma then agreed with the police to leave by thursday.

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toy hauler rental houston - looking to rent a toy hauler in houston, tx? we have several toy haulers includi...