>> thank you very much,can you all hear me? everyone hear me okay? if you can't, start waiving. and any of you who areon twitter, there must be at least two of us inthe room apart from me.
sex education vs sexuality education, if you want to use thehashtag just down the bottom, any of you who aren't ontwitter wouldn't have a clue of what i'm talking about andthat's fine just ignore me. i'm gonna talk about policiesand pitfalls in sex education,
so i'm gonna talk just abouthow the media communicate sex and relationship issues. i'm gonna talk aboutwhere it gets it right and where it gets itwrong, and i'm gonna talk about where we all mightbecome more involved in ensuring mediasex coverage is good. and i'm not blessed in thetechnical department so bear with me while i'm usingthis, this fills me with utter [inaudible],talking about sex is fine,
talking about sex with tech, itfills me with fear so just bear with me if there's a fewhiccups along the way. i thought i'd start witha nice opening slide, don't worry it won't getmuch more explicit than this. [ laughter ] >> and to talk about the idea that sex educationwhatever that might mean. well, sex information in themedia can come in a variety of formats and reallylasts across our lifespan.
this one up here, i don'tknow if any of know it. it's called the true storyof how babies were made and it's written in 1971. there's an animated versionon youtube if you like to go and have a look at it and anything i mentiontoday i'll blog later with all the links so youcan go back and see them. as you can imagine with thethree-year-olds in my house, this particular one is a popularfavorite with us at the moment
and with my little[inaudible] he could tell you about vaginal deliveries andcesareans just to embarrass him, oh he's too little to beembarrassed i'll just do that. on the other side, this to somepeople might know is a recent campaign for the family planningassociation for the over 50s to remind people whoare having relationships that condoms arestill important. so sex education or sexinformation can be something that begins when we're children
and lasts throughoutour lifespan, but obviously what we will betalking about to a young child which might be aboutwhere babies come from will be different from whatwe talk to a pre-teen or a teen to a young adult to anolder adult or to seniors. so there's a lot of differentways that the media might talk about sex and also we get itfrom a lot of information. most places that weget sex information from will be our friends andfrom our family, from school,
but after those sources themedia becomes our next best favorite choice and in factwe tend to turn to the media when we want answersto something that we wouldn't normallyfeel comfortable asking, so the more taboo topics we'llgo the media and ask about. now there's lots and lots ofplaces i'm sure you'd know that you can get sexinformation, so it might be that you go to magazines, wetraditionally think of radio or t.v., websites, there'sbooks, the health market,
there's lots and lots of different placesthat you could go. if you work moreinternationally, you'll also be familiar withmessages delivered by sms for texting or billboardsor as in this case, this is actually amural from tanzania where people have verycreatively written numerous information about how you shouldbehave in sex relationships. my swahili isn't brilliant, idon't know if anybody is here,
but i can tell you roughly itsays, "read, but don't read about or watch sex" which isa very important advice 'cause when you're at school youspend your time reading about or watching sex youend up giving lectures like this [laughter]some way down the line, so i think this is actuallya very mindful thing that we should be listening to. aside from getting sexinformation from a lot of sources, it's comingfrom a lot of people
so it might be coming frompoliticians, it might be coming from healthcare providers,it might be coming from people speaking from theirown experiences or perhaps from educators orsexperts as some people like to use the title, we maytouch on that title later on. they're also giving lots ofdifferent messages so we tend to think of sex eductionmainly for young people, but it might be that we'retalking across their lifespan, some messages are going tobe telling us to have sex.
some of us, well we say we'vegot to have sex but only when married, sometimes weget told you can have sex but if only if you use a condom, or that you shouldn'tbe having sex at all. so there's a lots of differentpeople who'll be telling us about sex and a lot of differentmessages they'll be giving which can actually become prettyconfusing to a lot of people. now what i'm going to do forthe first bit of this talk is to talk you through some ofthe ways, not all of the ways,
but some of the main ways thatthe media likes to talk to us about sex and relationships. a lot of which willbe familiar to you, but you can do your ownexperiments after this and actually go away and see if you can spot thesemessages coming through. and the first main way that themedia talks to us about sex is to tell us that weare all the same and i hope my tech businessdoesn't let me down now
and i hope that wecan watch this- - [ music ] >> if you're curious orconfused, get information or a pamphlet in mostpharmacies or health clinic. if you need help, see a doctor. >> so who knew that librariansand [inaudible] and people who play the violinall could have vd. that's 1969, that commercialis an american commercial. some of you might have seen it.
it tends to crop up on tvshows from time to time and it's interesting'cause what it's saying to us is potentiallyanyone could get an sti and we've probably seen thosecampaign messages we had code globally, more recentlyparticularly around hiv and the aim of the wheelwas saying messages to sort of produce stigma orit's the sense that any of us could get an sti,we all need to think about contraception or thatwe all might be having sex
so the idea of samenessis suppose to reassure to bring us together tomake us feel less isolated. the tricky thing about thewe are all the same message, however, well intentioned it is, is that often we are notthe same and sometimes when you see the media doingthis we are all the same and they speak to us as adults, what they're really doing isspeaking to quite a narrow group of people, they aretalking to people
who are heterosexualwho are monogamous. they're talking to peoplewho are able bodied, they're not really includingpeople in their discussions who are say bi or transor have a disability. they're not really talkingabout very young people or very old people andwhen they do tend to talk about difference it'soften in a blaming way which we'll see some moreexample of in a minute. the tricky thing about sortof balancing this idea,
the potentially yes, there's alot of issues that we all need to think about, there'soften strategic messaging that you would probablyneed to deliver differently. say for example, ifyou've got someone with a psychosexual problem,the sexual advice you give to a cancer survivorwill be quite different from someone whose sexualproblems are resulting from relationship difficulties. so it's always worthlooking out for that one,
that we're all the same becauseit does crop up quite a lot in various subtle forms andthere are variations on it like you can't reallytell by looking. but if the media isn't trying totell us that we're all the same and we should all be together,it's probably favorite tactic is to frighten the bejesusout of us so that we don'thave sex at all. >> now i'd the ladiesin this audience to particularly stayaway from dance halls
because all thesemen have syphilis. [laughter] they mightlook smiley but they all have syphilistherefore you should stay away from dance halls. i'm not sure what you'resuppose to do anywhere else where these men might reside orperhaps if you're married to one who came home, i don't knowbut there is this warning sign. that- -that's ah i think he'searly 50s an american one, this one is more recent, thisis from kenya and it's this idea
that you know, you mightthink this person looks nice but actually they'regoing to kill you if you have sex with them. these one will all the menhaving syphilis is quite unusual because most of theseadverts tend to focus on women being thecarries of infection and women being the onesyou've got to look out for. but it's the sense that youknow, there is obviously risk if you're havingunprotected sex.
no doubt about that, butthese kind of messages aim to terrify you so much that youpresumably won't have sex at all or perhaps will thinkabout using protection or just stay away from dancehalls whatever it might be. now the reason that wehistorically refuse this sort of terror tactic is twofold, one is that nobody when they started to talkabout sex openly particularly to young people wantedto be accused of encouraging sexual behavior.
so if we made it seem quitebad, nobody could ever say that we were sort of suggestingsex might be something you wanted to try. so there was this sense of kindof making out to be a bad thing, but more than that was thisidea that if- - particularly when you think about areaswhere there epidemics or perhaps when antibioticsweren't so available, you know if you weren't ableto necessarily get people to use condoms or condomsweren't available for safer sex,
you have to think of somethingto stop people having sex to put themselves at risk and this was seen asa way of doing it. unfortunately, however, the scare message doesn'ttend to work that well. it's memorable, most of us willprobably remember the iceberg and the doomsdayand hiv adverts, but they don't necessarily makepeople act in a different way. they fight in them, but they'renot telling you how to put
into action anything thatmight look after yourself aside from don't do something,don't sleep with somebody who don't stay or stayaway from the dance hall. and a good example of this comes up quite often withyoung people. [ background music ] >> the first time he met you,he said he loved your smile. after a few more dates, hesaid, it was meant to be. you are his one and only.
when you are hesitantto have sex with him, he assured you of his love. after all, how could somethingso beautiful be wrong, right? at first you ignoredany warning signs that you might be pregnant. after a while, therewas just no denying it. you became one of 750,000 teens in the united statesto become pregnant. chances are you droppedout of high school,
only 1/3 of teen mothers receivetheir high school diploma, and what about his loveand being his one and only? that was a short lived dream; 60% of male teens leavetheir pregnant partners. [ pause ] >> protect yourselfand your future. it's the only one you have. >> so if your pregnancywasn't depressing enough. you could have that message.
now the thing about these kind of messages is they'revery dramatic, you know they have an impact,but what they're not talking about is people who maybecoming and have a child when they're younger and goingto education when they're older. they make young women intovictims and boys into predators. they don't tell youwhat you need to do to sort out your life. so they tell youwhat you mustn't do
and they tell you what happens if you have sex you'llget pregnant and if you get pregnantyou won't finish school and he'll leave youand your life will be over as you know it. it'll be terrible, but theydon't give you any resources to put into action whatyou might do to prevent that situation from happening. the other thing that alot of these things do
and the teen mom phenomenon ithink is massive in the moment, i mean mtv have several serieson 16 and pregnant, is the sense of blame that runsthroughout it. there is no celebration that this is all a girl who'sgot herself into trouble and look at what will happento you if you follow that way of behaving, which if you area teen mom or a young woman who is pregnant doesn't empoweryou in any way, shape or form. it doesn't actuallyhear your story.
now fortunately i think thisbeing called a young mom and young dad activismand encouragement of creating their own media andblogging and writing about this which is taken on this kindof problematic messaging, but it's also very distorted. say for example if youlook at a lot of the 16 and pregnant series,they focus on families with a very young baby in thehouse and they say, you know, how tired everybody is andtheir angry with their partners
and they're crying and they'remiserable and it's terrible. you know, if you come tomy house with some cameras in about four monthstime, i can promise you, you will say exactly thesame thing played out. so the interesting thing hereis that they project a lot of problems associatedwith teen parents that actually will probablybe likely for all parents, but they don't necessarilymake those transparent. now that's not to say thatthere aren't issues facing young
people and we need tobe mindful of those, but this kind this kind ofterror tactic or scare tactic or just say no approachhasn't been found to be particularly successfuland yet it's run out time and time and time againstill that's a very recent media campaign. so it's run a lot of the time. now another way that the mediatalks to us and this for you as adults will probablymore familiar is this
of aspirational sex, ofcommercial sex, of great sex. where the media is talkinghere it's part education and part entertainment. this is where youhave unlimited orgasms and great orgasmsand super orgasm. you can't just have oneorgasm, you have to have loads and they have to be mindblowing, you always have to prefix it with mindblowing and you are constantly on the look, if you look atall of these kind of covers
and i just picked them atrandom of making sex new and exciting and better. it's a constant quest for sex tobe reinvented and to do may need to alight with productsand packaging and performance and positions. you hear here a lotabout the fact that you know you can't justhave sex with a partner, you have to have design abed wear and a nice bedroom and you have to have specialshoes, high-heeled shoes,
not in a kinky way that will begreat, but that you just have to have your jimmy choo andyour special designer underwear and an expensive sextoy, this is the idea that you are constantlyimproving where sex is about quantity ratherthan quality. it's about aspiration. it's where- - i mean here'swords you look out for where you achieve an orgasm. you don't experienceone in media land,
you always achieveone and for women in particular they'realways hard work apparently. if you look at say the pages inmen's health or other magazines, they'll take at least 20 minutesfor a woman to have an orgasm, it's quite tedious and youhave to kind of fiddle away with various techniquesto make her have one. you never are responsiblefor your own orgasms in this, it's your partner and sex isdefined as penis and vagina. there's not really muchvariation around that.
which you think wouldonly be confined to adults and as adults we wouldbe able to look at this and think how ridiculous we cansee through that, but we don't. this is endlessly repeatedand repeated and repeated. magazines copy articlesfrom each other. magazine articles areused to inform tv, tv informs magazine articles. when sex in the city wason, every week i'd be rung by a journalist who'd sayi'm investigating a new trend
and the new trend willbe whatever had been on sex in the city. [laugher] the nightbefore, usually it'll linked to samantha, but not always andit became an entire industry of sort of content for media ina fairly kind of uncritical way. this messaging also links ortrickles down for young people, so this sense of you'vego to achieve sex, you've got to be good atit, that you perform it. that you are not communicating,there's not a focus here
on talking to somebodyor negotiating or experiencing pleasureor not having sex, delaying sex, maybe waiting. none of that is talked aboutto be a functioning adult from 18 upwards or 16 upwards. you should be having great sexat least three times a week. now i just like tosay that's rubbish in case anyone watching thesethinks i've actually endorsed that, it's not true, but that'sthe message that we're kind
of constantly being left withand that sex is something that somebody else hasto tell you to improve. so this is very muchthe domain of the expert and the expert can take manyforms from people who work in sex stores, sellingproducts through to medics, though to scientistsand i'll tell you a bit about how the expertiseprocess works in a bit because it's quite interestinghow the media makes it work. so the other way that themedia can get us to think about
or talk about sexis the use of humor, and this is quite powerful,but i think works well. >> i love that. [laughter] i just love that. i can't get enough of it. you'll be singing that in videos for everybody all theway home actually. now i think what's seems to be,it's actually worth going back and watching that 'causethey're trying to do
of very clever things in oneshort advert, but the idea of humor is the sensethat you know rather than scaring us itgets us all laughing, it gets us all thinking about itand it's suppose to be memorable and it's also it's having sortof subliminal messages i guess that it's okay for aguy to carry condoms and condoms are massive, they'reso big they fit on an umbrella so there's no excuse tosay that it won't fit. the trouble withhumor in advertising
or in any sex messaging that youmight see is it can backfire. our taste in humor varyculturally there's lots of different ways thatwe interpret humor and quite often you find thatpeople's idea or understanding of humor may be oneperson's joke and another person's offense, so it's very trickyto get it right. and a good example ofthat at the moment, i don't know howmany of you have seen
that marie stopes [phonetic]have got an advert out, where they're kind of doing askin's type humor comedy video what these guys doing like asort of rockstar song thing. that makes me soundreally old, doesn't it? there's young people in thererockstar song thing [laughter] and one of the linesin it is one at the bum and you won't be a momwhich is kind of funny but also could be interpreted asinsane, but that's a good method of contraceptionand showing off lots
of people who've interpretedthat as what they're saying. so the tricky thingabout balancing humor when you're talking about sex is that that you couldbe misconstrued. that you might be-- particularlyif you're using irony that people actually thinkyou're actually endorsing the thing they're all reallysuggesting that they don't do, and i think particularlyhumor becomes the area where if you're trying torun campaigns on sex is
where you're most likely to getcriticized particularly it's around sexual healthbecause if you wouldn't like sexual health campaigninggenerally and you're trying to make a joke about it, theirimmediate backlash can be where you're nottaking this seriously and you know young peopleare at risk or whatever else. so humor is used, but it'smore of a risk strategy and not everybodyalways gets the joke. so it's a tricky one to have.
so maybe quickly through,here are some other things that the media does not muchhave talked to us but ways that we probably strugglewith what they're doing. now this was england'sgreat sexual health quiz. i don't know if any of yousaw this when it came out. this was done in uk bythe department of health as an awareness activity forparents and young people. it was run just at the endof the labor administration and the idea was that parentsor teenagers could take the quiz
and then there would besome results and compared who knew more about sex. some of the questions thatwere being asked already came into criticism because it wasthings like of how many liters of water would fill acondom which is kind of like a fun pop quiz question, but it doesn't really tellme whether you know anything about sex or sexualhealth or not. and the idea of making acompetition is often problematic
in health promotion anyway. but the thing that'sreally worrying about this and it's indicative of a lotof campaigning and media work, particularly fromcharities and ngos and governments is whathappened to this piece of work? how much did it cost? we don't know, probablyquite a lot of money. what was it used for? we don't know because anew government came in.
where has that data gone? i don't know. so all of that work and thatlovely glossy thing disappeared, it happens time and time again in that there is no realaccountability and a lot of programs are put down. the idea that you'vejust done something as in you've donea media campaign or you've done some form
of educational interventionis seen as enough. we don't look at thecosting of it and a lot of the time it's run thoughpr companies as opposed to being informed bypractitioners or academics. so it looks great andit's catchy and snazzy, but the content isweak and in this case, as with many other campaignsthis is not the only one, this happens globallyall the time, that stuff isn'tsustained, it just disappears
and it's really only run forpublicity, it's not really run to change [inaudible]or make any difference. so those of you who areinterested in this may want to find out wherethat actually went so. the other problem withadvise giving and some of you may be familiar of thisas well, not just advise giving but sex educationor sex information in the media is it can't decide,is it advise, is it education, is it entertainment is it bothor is it an utter disaster
of pr proportionsas in this case. danny dyer [phonetic] as someof you may know is an actor. ahm no, okay. well, [laughter] thatwas quite catchy of me and this is bull cost thatdanny dyer is a hard man and he might come and beatme up now, but anyway, danny dyer had an advisecolumn in zoo magazine and lots of magazine and last year he hada letter from somebody saying, i split up with mygirlfriend and i'm a beat
down about it, what should i do? and danny's advise apart fromgoing out and sleeping on it, getting really drunk finishedon this triumphant note of cut your ex's face andthen no one will want her. interestingly danny doesn't havethe job at zoo magazine anymore. but what was also interestingwas how this completely blew up, it mainly blew up on twitter andthen hit the mainstream papers, was that there was atotal meltdown within zoo about whose responsibilitythis was
and oh we just don't knowhow it got in the papers, it was an accident,it was an oversight like we don't haveeditorial meetings and know exactly whatgoes into our papers. so this is an ongoing problem oftrying to make things humorous, this is an example of humorgoing wrong, very badly wrong or irony and the idea that themedia doesn't quite know what it is it's doing and when it'scriticized it says it wasn't us you know or somebodyelse did it wrong
or you just don't get thejoke or it's just not funny. and i think that's anongoing problem that we see. now i've mentioned earlier toyou about sort of using experts, the way most of themedia tends to work when it's writing articlesabout sex is they'll bring around people to getquotes, to back up a story and you would thinkthat the people that they get usuallyare the best people and the most qualified people,but actually they usually
in the case of sex articles, the person who wouldsay what the editor or the producer wantsto have reported. so if they ring you and youtell them they're on the track of the wrong track, theydon't say, "well thank you, let me put that right." they'll phone somebodyelse to say what you want. so there's a guy at themain working from radio five who is just callingand calling academics,
saying can you find me or referme students who you've included in your research whoare involved in sex work because i want to interview them and it doesn't matter howmany times in academics said, "no, that's not ethical." he'll keep going until you'llfind either somebody who'll do that or find somebodythrough some other means. there is a problem injournalism and media that sex is not taken seriously.
it's a light topic, it's ajoke topic that people talk about sex aren'treally hat qualified, that you don't reallyneed to get somebody who is not qualifiedparticularly when you're doing this sortof more sex tips star pieces, anyone will do togive you information and we saw this working mostrecently in the channel 4 thing, that david asked me to talk about where they were puttingtogether a program called
"the joy of teen sex." some of you may have seenit and they wanted people to find young people to beon the program, but also come on the program as experts. and there rung a numberof us, some of whom are in the audience i noticed todayand asked us if we'd like to go on the program andthey were talking about how young peopleare going to come and talk about sex techniquesand they were gonna talk
about having their boob jobsdone and all sorts of things and we were saying, "well thatdoesn't sound like this sort of stuff most teens come in andtalk to use about and it sounds like you're gonna be a bitsensationalist, oh no, no, no, no we're not, we're not, we'renot," and sure enough they were which resulted in about 23of us writing to the channel and saying, "you're seriouslywrong with your sex program and you need to sort it out." and they didn't respond to usand they still haven't responded
to us, so that i didsort of a statement in the guardian two weeks agosaying that they would meet with us and talk withus and sort it out, but one of theirproducers did reply to us on twitter while theprogram was airing. >> there you go. if young people wanna do itand lots of people watch it, you don't have towatch it, shut up. and that's part of the problemi think we face when we try
to challenge thisarea about, you know, this sense that viewingfigures and creating a buzz, and filling content is much,much more important, you know and the challenge to channel4 still is we offered them an opportunity to make sureeverything they do from now on is accurate and entertaining, but they don't seemthat bothered. they could prove me wrong, i'd be delighted butthey haven't yet.
now i've been very harshon media and journalists, so just before i finishit's time to concentrate on the other area that wehave problems around sex and the media and that's aroundthe role of practitioners. now this is from pediatrics,it's a recent guide they wrote on media educationand it's not bad. it's not brilliant. what is interestingand remarkable about it is it's written bypublic health practitioners
who talk a lot about the need to educate youngpeople about the media. they talk a lot aboutwhat's got to be sorted out, but they don't talk aboutus actually directly getting involved. they don't talk aboutus informing content or changing media. what they do is they threata lot about the internet and in fact the writingthat they talk
about in the internet here shows that they actually don't knowmedia much at all and they talk about young people having lotsof sex because of the stuff that they've seen on tv. but more strikingly isthat they indicate here and they're not the only group,a lot of academics working in this area too, that they'reactually largely out of touch with young people'slives and experiences, it's a very top down, it'svery authoritarian is very much
telling us what we mustbe thinking and doing. and strikingly in this,in a great long list of all the terriblethings that the media does with young people, there'snot a lot of mention of good things it might do. so nothing aboutself-help or awareness and they completelymiss that for a lot of young people the media thereare consuming is not telling them to have lots of sex,
contrary to whatthis document says, the media they are consumingwill be things like twilight or high school musicalwhich is the opposite of having lots of sex. you hook up with thevampire and you have a long and tedious exchange [laughter]of really wanting a shag and he doesn't becausehe's undead. anyway, but no mentionof that in here. so the example we haveas practitioners is
that we are not encouraged totalk to the media, if we do work on this it's from theoutside looking in, that we might dosome evaluations, we might do some research on it. quite often we replicate all thesame problems the media makes by setting up our own websitesor our own programs to evaluate and then they don't sustainand disappear and fade way. the idea that you might work apractitioner giving media advice as opposed to just doing talksabout it or doing research
and it's still quite unusual. there are people doing it, butit's not particularly encouraged and so i think that's somethingi'm very keen on suggesting to people is that we shouldbe moving this forward that when i'm writing advisecolumns, it's not a hobby that i do outside of academe. it's not something else ido this of, it's integral to everything i do here,that's my job as a practitioner and the academic workapplies and refines that.
so we really need to havemore incentive to do that and i'll leave you 'cause it'salways nice to end positively with some opportunities. this is not actually afantastic campaign, i don't know if you've seen it from canada and they've replaced core familynames with the term prostitutes and my mother, brother,sister or the uncle and here i'm glad my mothermade me finish school or in that my prostitutemade me finish school.
and it's just invitingus to think differently about the way we might viewand victimize sex workers. now in terms of ouropportunities, creating media on sex information for all agesis something that helps people, it gives more information,it reassuring. it's this idea thatthey can feel empowered and we can do it not for profit,you know you can do it all for a lot of stuff withouthaving to charge for it and that's something i'm verymuch committed to in my work.
it's also a challenge toold media because now rather than us having to just relyon journalists or the media to make programs forus, we can make our own. we blog, we podcast, peopleare creating their own videos, and i think that althoughwe should still be working together, there are a lot moreopportunities for us as a group to ask the better contentbut also to create our own. so i hope after today, you'llall feel inspired to run off and go and start making yourown sex education materials.
if it's rude or borderingon the pornographic, i have nothing to do with that. actually i do. yeah go on. well that's it, thankyou for your attention and open to questions. [ applause ] >> thank you very much petra. as petra said we have a coupleof minutes for questions,
so if anyone hasanything burning, not like that- -that they'dlike to ask petra, please do. if you have to get offthere are lots of other ways that you can ask petraquestions online. so does anyone havea question for petra? [ inaudible remark ] >> i have one ifno one else does. we've talked a lot aboutthe things that are wrong with sex education on tv.
if i was the commissionerfor bbc 3, let's say and you had 30 seconds to pitchme the perfect sex education tv show fronted by yourself,what would it be like? >> well that's such ahard question, 30 seconds. do you know what i'd do? i'll ask young people first. as a [inaudible] also, buti would, i would, i would. i mean i think that wasthe thing that went wrong when the joy of teen sexis they decided as adults
and channel 3 does this aswell, that they know best and that they willset the agenda and the agenda will be thesetopics this television will. i mean i can give you an examplewith the joy of teen sex, one of the things they did wasthey had a women who felt very under confident about herbreasts and so after being told by the doctor, she waslaughing and it was okay, the social worker tookher shopping for bras. now most social workers don'tdo this as far as i know.
but you could have had muchmore interesting things with her about a dialogue of why doesshe feel the way she does and talking to heraround her anxieties and that could be equallytelevisual without the idea of kind of going andhaving to buy a bra. i mean, i think that the tvmakers need to be more confident of this idea that you coulduse and within research, we have a lot of methods thatwe know work and are exciting and innovative but don'thave to necessarily go
down the commercial orrather stupid or rude. >> does anyone have a question? yes, the lady here. there's a microphonecoming from the side of you. >> liza hogan [phonetic]from educational for joy service sexualhealth, education practitioner. i think one of the thing-- ilove the presentation and one of the things that iwanted to add really was that it's really importantthat we don't allow the media
to get complacent and somemistake hunger for nutrition and when- -the womanwho produced the joy of teen sex said, 2.1million young people loved it and in fact some of theyoung people i talked to quite liked it as well is because they didn't haveanything else and i think if you take a thirsty man todirty water, he'll drink it. you know, if you give a hungryperson [inaudible] they'll eat it, but it's not actuallygiving them any nutrition
and i think we have to bereally clear with the media. they shouldn't be so complacentjust 'cause somebody is watching something that'sentertaining and exciting, it's not actually helpingthem or educating them. >> thanks very much. petra hunger or nutrition? >> i completely agree. i mean i think it's a tricky oneto balance because i think lots of people did say likeand they were a bit -
- were good about it. i mean and i think that that'sthe skill within particularly- -within media is thatjournalists know how to attract an audience. it's just the lack of[inaudible], this, this- - we just don't haveenough gel together that we can bringthe information in that they can then makeexciting and accessible and then there's the difficultyas you say, saying to people,
well yeah it did talkabout sex in a frank way, but it wasn't very goodwhich underpins a lot of what we call sexpositive campaigns which is that 'cause we'retalking about sex and we're not saying it'sbad, therefore it's good and therefore you're notallowed to criticize it, but i think this sortof sex positivity that we're seeing actuallyin itself is under theorized and quite often veryweak and needs assessing.
>> do we have anymore questions? one down the side, there'sa microphone coming for you. it's taking a slightlylong route. there we go. >> hi. yeah, one of the thingsthat you mentioned is that a lot of campaigns sort of disappearedto be thereof that they happen, is there much in the wayof- -sorry i'm trying to combine what you're sayingas kind of you know academics and practitionershave a duty too.
is there much in the way ofpossibly academic interest in doing studies of how thatworks and how many is that? >> i think it's a brilliant idea and i think it's somethingthat should be done. well there is a south africancharity called "love life" who archived all ofthe campaigns they do and document what they've doneand the impact they've had. often in terms ofviewing figures rather than actual behavior change,but yeah i think that part
of the difficultywe've got with a lot of these benches is the shortterm and they're not followed through but for academics, ithink it's an amazing point to say, you know wecould get along with, not just watching what you'redeveloping and monitoring that and feeding back andreflecting on it, but also going offand finding out. often we hear peoplesay, oh well we can't do that because how wouldyou measure impact?
well there are ways of measuringimpact and i think you know if we are making out thisas an educational activity, i mean you could say,well yeah we can do it as an educational activitybecause we hall have rights to information, but ifwe want to go beyond that and change behavioror do something else for people we need to havebetter ways of measuring that and the biggest limitis funding. that's our biggest limit.
i think people could do it orwant to do it, the more people that volunteer andit will be liaising with charities andorganizations.
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