every day at bart, dozens of systems worktogether to safely move hundreds of thousands of people to jobs, loved ones, events andnew opportunities across the bay area. however, all the parts that keep these systemsworking, and you moving, decay over time. miles of original cables assembled in the1960s are failing and they've been repaired so many times that they are no longer reliableand require replacement. our tunnels, drilled under sea level in downtownsan francisco, are no longer waterproof. water intrusion accelerates track corrosion,and can even result in the rail breaking apart. all of this occurs at a time when we are experiencingrecord numbers of riders. this record ridership has enabled bart topurchase new train cars, hire more custodial
workers, and double down on system and traincar maintenance. however, the parts of bart - tunnels, powertransmission cables, and rail will continue to deteriorate, which is why bart is proposinga 3.5 billion dollar general obligation bond to rebuild the bones of the system. this bond measure will be used solely fortwo purposes: to replace critical bart infrastructure, and to improve the customer experience oftravelers. if the bond measure passes, it will cost propertyowners an estimated $8.98 per $100,000 in assessed value, an investment bart is seriousabout protecting.
![car hire from dublin airport](https://i.imgur.com/FOuk0hY.jpg)
car hire from dublin airport,since 1972, customers have taken more than one billion trips on bart.
to learn more about bart's plan to keepour riders safe, our service reliable, and cars off the road, go to bart.gov/betterbart. it's time to rebuild.
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